Sandra Bolton

Sandra Bolton


Screenplays WGA registered.

Scripts available for production, workshops and actor studios.

Option a screenplay six months to a year.

Lease a screenplay at will.

Purchase a screenplay.

Full length screenplays and short scripts available for production.

Genres: Family / Romance / Comedy / Pre-Teen Thriller / Coming-of-Age

Always On Our Minds

Always On Our Minds

Family / Love / Redemption
(90 minutes)

A grieving mother, 40’s, and her teen son fall apart when forced to face the reality of death. Their grief is compounded with the loss of a wife’s husband and a son’s loss of his father. Turmoil erupts with unusual relationships that reveal layers of personal discovery.

Semi Finals screenplay competition

The Holy Truth

The Holy Truth

Faith / Hope / Family / Redemption


An associate male Minister, 40's, of a community church struggles with a drug addicted, guilt ridden senior Minister, 60's, that inspires ridiculous creativity when he joins a screenwriters group.

Keep In Touch

Keep In Touch

Inspiration / Hope / Romance / Family
(90 minutes)

A depressed male Minister, 60’s, shields his mental illness with drugs until he ends up in an institution and finds forgiveness with an unusual future that involves a proposal of marriage.

Quarter Finals screenplay competition

Life Is What You Make It

Life Is What You Make It

Suspense / Romance / Family
(90 minutes)

A spunky female, 30’s, owns a cleaning business that gets her into more of a mess when assaulted by a misfit and her life is trashed until she cleans it up.

Selected to be entered in Santa Barbara International Screenplay Festival.

That House

That House

Teen Thriller / Drama / Family
(30 minutes)

The parents, 40’s, of a teenager and her pre-teen sister head out for a seminar at the arts center leaving strict instructions for the older sibling to act responsibly to set a good example for her sibling.

The Special Lure

The Special Lure

Family / Love
(30 minutes)

A young boy experiences the tragic news of his grandfather with inner strength and undying memory when he holds the fishing lure given to him.

Take A Chance

Take A Chance

Comedy / Drama
(30 minutes)

A female, 60’s, winner of a raffle goes on an adventure beyond her comprehension in a foreign country with people she has nothing in common with and vows to kill the person that persuaded her to buy the raffle ticket.

Holly Moses

Holly Moses

Comedy / Relationship
(30 minutes)

A Harvard grad with a degree in business quits her job as a bank teller when she decides she would rather be a cleaning lady and finds herself unemployed on the hunt for a job.

We Are Not Dead Yet

We Are Not Dead Yet!

Coming-of-older-age Comedy / Love / Family
(30 minutes)

An older married couple plan a pleasant day that turns out to be a day from hell with an unusual night cap.

That One Word

That One Word

Comedy / Romance
(30 minutes)

A female nurse, 40’s, works a double shift and returns home to find her male friend left the kitchen a mess, clothes left in a pile and then the note that blew her fatigued mind and spurred a blast of fury to throw him out.

The Funeral Guy

The Funeral Guy

Comedy / Family / Social / Environment
(90 minutes)

Semi-finalist Sensei Film Festival Tokyo 2023

When the funeral guy’s best friend dies he recalls their last haunting conversation and is motivated to do what he wants to do despite the family expectation, however, he comes to realize the value of funeral services, and the impact the funeral business has on the environment contributing to pollution and forges on a mission through comedy.

The Second Time Around

The Second Time Around

Comedy / Relationship
(30 minutes)

An older popular female author develops an unexpected crush.